Here are 9 Big thing I learned this year....
what have you learned?
1. I can handle baby poop better then dog poop.
2. On every trip to the grocery store, it's okay to buy hot dogs, there can never be enough.
3. Those who don't have kids, will simply never understand, just accept it.
4. If I can make it down a river in a canoe with my sister, then I can do more then I realize.
5. Being married is the hardest thing I have ever done and will ever do in my lifetime.
6. Loosing weight, the 2nd hardest (this is something I've always known though.)
7. Always, always, always, double check the door to the deep freeze.
8. I can still play softball after all these years, wow.
9. I didn't realize how much it meant to me to see my mom and dad together in the same house until I didn't see it anymore. Then to see everything seperate, and each start over, dad in a new place, mom with new things. I've learned how valuable family is, all the little things that go with it, I know it's hard, it's very hard. I hope that Doug and I can always make it work, even when our kids are grown, because it would still be hard then too.
9 Things I Learned This Year
Posted by Brandy at 1:38 PM 0 comments
Happy Holidays
This has been a rather unusual holiday for us around here. With a new puppy and a toddler on the loose, the decorations have been slim and the tree has been high. Plus the house has been just a regular old mess!! There has been dog messes all over the place (house breaking has been quite a challenge!) The toddler keeps handing the dog things to chew up so there are pieces of trash and toys and yes even valuables all over the place as well! I'm going out of my mind!! I'm acually looking forward to next Christmas when things will be a little more "Christmas like".
Well...Merry Christmas Anyways!!!
Posted by Brandy at 10:31 AM 1 comments
Give Me 5
Well, Dawson turned five. Hard to believe. He wanted a Chuck E Cheese Party but that was was to expensive so I told him he could take a friend to Chuck E Cheese for lunch. That was good enough for him. Then we had a party at our house for family. I love how every gift he opened was "just what he wanted." He is so easy to please. I hope he stays that way!
Posted by Brandy at 9:17 PM 1 comments
Halloween 2008
Another Halloween has come and gone! This year I decided (well actually Doug decided) that I would make their Halloween Costumes. What an adventure that was! I didn't use any patterns, just kinda did it all by the seat of my pants! Brody was Daniel Boone and his didn't turn out too bad....Dawson's on the other hand....well he was a knight and I had made a lot of things for his cotume that he didn't even end up wearing. I made boots and arm guards that he decided he didn't need to wear. I felt kind of bad, his costume really didn't look all that good, but he didn't seem to mind. Anyways....lessons learn....Halloween Costumes are better when they come from the store then from the sewing kit!!!
Posted by Brandy at 12:08 PM 1 comments
10 years ago I was:
1. Just getting use to the college life
2. Feeling a lot less sure and independent then I am today.
3. Still planning on moving to Ney York and becomming a make up artist! Wow!
4. Wondering if I should change majors. (At least I still got a minor in theater.)
5. Thinking I would NEVER find Mr. Right and thinking that guys suck!
5 things on today’s to do list:
1. Get Dawson ready for his big soccer game.
2. Run to the Dollar General for some soap and shampoo. (I'ts the best place to buy that stuff.)
3. Go for a brisk 30 minute walk.
4. Figure out what is for dinner......and make it.
5. Thank God for all the wonderful things in my life.
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Milk and Oreos (bad but good)
2. Cherry tomatoes and ranch dressing.
3. Chips and Cheese (yes, bad but good)
4. Pringles (yes...yes...I know)
5. Strawberries and Pineapples!!!!!!
5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. Pay off all our bills and all my familys bills
2. Have weight loss surgery and hire a private chef and trainer!!!
3. Travel the world with my family (Including London, Scottland, France, everywhere!!!)
4. Build a home in the country with a big garage so Doug can fix up his car and truck and tractor.
5. Help as many people as I could!!!
5 places I have lived:
1. Downtown on 5th and Taylor (from birth until 1st grade)
2. North Topeka, KS (grew up)
3. Emporia, KS (for college)
4. West Topeka, KS (after getting married)
5.East Topeka, KS (currently)
5 jobs I have had:
1. Babysitter
2. Hardees (worst job, to this day, I can't eat there!!!)
3. Summer Camp Teacher
4. Preschool Teacher
5. Mommy (the best job in the world!)
Posted by Brandy at 8:05 AM 0 comments
Starting With My Kids
I have to tell you that lately the world has really been getting to me. Quite a bit has been going on in my life and in the life of those close to me that really just seems unfair. With the economy the way it is, and the government the way they are, and people in general just seem to be getting meaner and ruder and more selfish then ever. It's made me think a lot about what kind of world I want for my kids. I've been wondering how I can make life better for them. And I think the best way to do that is to start early and teach them some things now, teach them how to be better, happier people and how to life a good life inspite of everything around them. I encourage all the other moms and dads in the world to do the same. (And post it to your blog as well.) Maybe we can change things, starting with our own kids.
The 10 Most Important Things My Kids Need to Learn.........
1. Life is not fair, learn to accept it.
2. Be kind to people even if they are mean to you.
3. Smile at everyone you see and don't feel bad if they don't smile back.
4. Always think about your future, but remember to enjoy today.
5. Know God and live by his ways.
6. Learn now how to eat healthy and stay active, and don't make fun of the ones who don't.
7. Always use your head, it really can take you many, many places.
8. When you find the one you love, make sure she is the one you want AND the one who is right for you, and then do everything you need to do to keep her in your life. (A good love is few and far between.)
9. Give everyone the respect they deserve. Remember that every living thing needs respect, people, plants and animals. And don't forget that this includes respecting the place in which they all live and the things they all need to survive.
10. Remember that your family is the best gift you can ever have and the only people who will ALWAYS be there for you.
Posted by Brandy at 7:52 AM 0 comments
Good Life Moments
-Last week Dawon was sitting at his little picnic table coloring with markers. Brody came over and sat beside him, picked out a marker, took the cap off and started coloring on his own paper. I was blown away! A 14th month old baby doing this, and his scribbles didn't look to bad!
-Yesterday Dawson and his friend were doing the Hokey Pokey. Brody came up and started clapping his hands and spinning in a circle. I said to Doug, "Wow, he knows what to do!" It was such a cute moment!
-This morning Dawson and Brody were laying downstairs together, quietly watching Tellitubbies, both laughing at the "funny" parts. It was, I think, the first time that every really happened. It was so sweet, so cute!
Yes, Life is Good.
Posted by Brandy at 8:53 AM 1 comments
And Away We Go
Well, Dawson started preschool yesterday. I think 4 years of staying home with mom was long enough. He was more then ready. He has been ready to go for a very long time, infact, I think he might have been ready to start kindergarten this year. He had his hair spiked up with his new shirt and new tenni shoes on and his back pack. He looked so grown up. Time goes so fast doesn't it?
Posted by Brandy at 8:53 AM 1 comments
Just a Quick Note
Last night I took Dawson for a walk. We walked past a patio that was being demolished with a jackhammer. Dawson asked...."are they digging for treasure?" I couldn't help but smile.
Life is good.
Posted by Brandy at 7:34 AM 0 comments
20 Reasons
Here are my 20 most important reasons.......
20. To fit in a rollercoaster
19. To fit into my prom dress again
18. To get back at that bully who called me "thunder thighs"
17. To make my first love wish he never dumped me
16. Because if I don't, it's only gonna get worse
15. To keep up with my kids
14. To finally hear my husband say "wow, you look hot"
13. So I can go back to karate and get my black belt
12. So my family will be proud of me
11. So I know I can actually accomplish something important
10. To have a wider fashon variety
9. So I could maybe finally buy my first 2 piece swimming suit
8. Because I don't want to end up like my grandma
7. So my sister and I can finally share the same clothes again
6. Because I just need to
5. So my husband will be proud to hold my hand
4. To feel good
3. So I won't hate looking at my photos anymore
2. To be healthy
1. So I can live long enough to so see my kids have kids
Posted by Brandy at 9:21 AM 0 comments
Fear Itself
Well, here is something I've always thought about, but never really believed until I experience the last 24 hours......
Are we born with the ability to fear or is this something we learn? I often believe that my son isn't afraid of anything....until he sees fear in my eyes. As a mom it can be so hard to stay calm and collected or even just to keep a happy face. My son is part sponge and part elephant. He soaks up everything and doesn't forget any of it! I always try to act brave because I knows if he sees that I'm scared...he will remember that this is something to be scared of.
We wen't to words of fun yesterday. Before going, we knew he was finally big enough to ride a big rollercoaster....the Spinning Dragon. We had him so excited about it! He couldn't wait to get there and ride it. When we got it line, I'm sure he senced that I was nervous, maybe his dad too. He suddenly decided that he didn't want to do this and he started to put up a fight. Doug and I basically told him that he was going to do it. He was apprehensive getting on and once we came down the first big hill he almost started to cry. Then he heard the calm in Dougs voice when he said "It's almost over." Dawson opened his eyes and started to enjoy the rest of the ride. I really believe that we learn a lot from our parents.
Dawson's First Roller Coaster
"The Spinning Dragon"
Posted by Brandy at 9:11 AM 0 comments
A Photo, A Shadow, A Mirror
Some girls in this world always see themselves as fat. They spend all day starving or purging. The only time I ever look fat to myself is when I look at a photo or see my shadow, or when I look in that unavoidable mirror. I often wish I could be like those girls, even though I know it's not good. I just wish it were easier for me to remember how fat I am every minute of the day. Then maybe the temptation for food wouldn't be so strong and the will to exercise would.
It seems like every time I see a new photo of myself, I relight that fire under my big fat butt that often dies out. You know, that fire that tells me to order a chicken sandwich instead of a burger and that even though it's 103 degrees outside I still need to go for that walk.
And then I think about how wonderful a man my husband is to still be with me. How handsome he is, and how he should be with someone so thin and beautiful. He told me once that if I were thin I "would be smokin." I often think about that. It's good motivation.
Motivation.......yeah, that's something I have so much of. My grandma basically died from her poor health. There is so many overweight people in my family, mostly dad's side. And my kids....they should be my biggest motivation. I know Brody has my genes and it's very likely that he will be an obese child, I MUST keep that from happening.
I've lost the weight before, I know I can do it again. It just seems like there are so many obstacles.
Pray for me!
Posted by Brandy at 1:33 PM 1 comments
My Near Death Experience
This past weekend my sister and I went canoeing on the Ninguagua river in Lebanon, Missouri. I did it once before with my mom, so I wasn't too worried, but.... this time I got a little too close to death.
We had gotten about half way down the river, and anyone who's ever done it before knows that it takes most of the day to get all the way down. The river had split for a while, so we came up to where it met again and there was a lot of traffic, logs and brush to try and navigate through, plus the current was VERY strong at that point. We went into a bit of a spin, and then flipped. This normally would not be any big deal, except that this time I got caught under the canoe. Wow. I was under the water trying to get up and when I realized I wasn't, I looked up and saw the canoe on top of me. That's when I started to freak out. It felt like forever went by when the next thing I new I was holding on to someones canoe trying to ketch my breath. I have no idea how I got there. Earlier in the day we had past by this family, a mom and dad and two very young kids maybe aged 4 and 6. Their canoe had flipped a little bit and the kids were very scared and crying. It was all I took not to cry myself. I just saw my own kids in them. Their mom was trying to calm them down as they tried to gain control. They had life jackets on so they really were very safe, just very scared. Anyway, it was quite an eventful weekend. It kinda makes you rethink things and realize the wonderful things you've got in your life.
Posted by Brandy at 10:37 AM 1 comments
4th of July 2008
Everytime a holiday comes around it reminds my how fast my life is going by, how fast my kids are growing. This was Brody's 2nd 4th of July and Dawsons 5th. And my, know, whatever. I cant understand why Dawson is so afraid of the noise. We always put headphones on him because of it. He has never liked loud noises. I hope he grows out of this before he gets into school. Brody on the other hand, doesn't seem to mind it at bit.
Posted by Brandy at 9:54 AM 1 comments
Happy Birthday Brody!
Brody just had his first Birthday party and I think he was pretty happy about that. He got lots of great stuff, plenty to keep him busy for a while. Brother is having a hard time dealing with it not being "his" new stuff. Gee, what do we expect, he's had 4 birthdays all to himself. Well, things change. It will all turn out, only 5 months until his Birthday! Where does the time go!
Posted by Brandy at 2:22 PM 1 comments
A Family Thing
So we went to a family reunion over the weekend (on my mom's side of the family.) I see most of those people on a regular basis anways. Its pretty amazing, this journey life takes you down. Its so fun to see
the way everyone grows and changes. Most of all its great to see those family members who you haven't see in so long. (Or even discover any new family members you might have.) Here are some great photos of my boys this weekend. This was Brody's first reunion. I guess it was not much of a reunion for him though.
Posted by Brandy at 2:01 PM 0 comments
Old Times
It seems as if sometimes I get lost in old memories of grade school and highschool and college times. I wonder about what all those people are doing now. Those old friends I had, even those old boyfriends. Today I read in the paper that my very first boyfriend, (when I was 14) had a baby. I guess it just made me wonder for a while. What if I had went down any other road and ended up with someone else other then my husband. What kind of life would I have. Maybe I would be thinner, or wealthier or happier. Then I think, maybe I would be living in a trailer park or maybe my husband couldn't have kids. I guess it's all in Gods big plan. I love my husband sooooo much and I love my kids more then anything in the world. And then when I think about how much better my life could be, I realize it really couldn't. Real life is not like the tv show or the movies. So, yeah, I guess I wonder and think about things. But mostly, I just think about how great things are.
Posted by Brandy at 8:19 AM 1 comments
My Little Guy
My little guy will be one year old next month. Wow! It seems like it was just last week when I was going into the hospital to give birth. He sure didn't stay a baby for very long. He was big when he was born, and already up to 30 pounds. He is as big as a 2 year old! My big guy was a lot smaller when we was born and he is 4 and a half now. My oh my, where does the time go! I get so excited when I think about what they might do with their lives. Who they will marry, what they will become. You know what, life really is good.
Posted by Brandy at 11:24 AM 0 comments
Life or Death
Last night my son said to me "Mommy, don't want you to die. I would be sad and I would be all alone." I thought about it and said "I will try very hard not to die." But this really got me thinking. I have to take better care of myself. My children are the most important thing in my life and one of their major necessities is me. How selfish of me to take that away from them because I could not keep my health under control. I HAVE to be more active. I HAVE to eat better. I love them too much not too. I just simply love them too much.
Posted by Brandy at 9:44 AM 1 comments
Quote of the Day.........
"Mommy, you look beautiful!........
Daddy, you're lucky arn't you?"
Posted by Brandy at 11:29 PM 0 comments