Some Random Thoughts
This year has been a year full of experiences and life changing lessons for me. I've experienced some things that I never thought I would in my lifetime and I've learned and grown so much from that.
Let Go and Live: I discovered that when I quit worrying about everyone else and all their problem, I can have more time for myself and the things I need. If they don't care about their problems, then why should I? Throughout this process I have found time to exercise and eat right and it's helped me to loose a significant amount of weight this year. Something I've been struggling to do for so long. I've been more motivated to to put my best foot forward and enjoy the small things in life a little bit more.
Friends are So Important: One of the biggest things I've come to grips with this year is how incredibly important my friends are. This also ties into putting myself first. Taking time to enjoy the company of my friend. Cherishing their friendship. I feel so lucky to have so many great friends in my life and I only regret that it has took me this long to realize that. I've tried very hard this year to reconnect with friendship that have died out and I've even make an effort to make a few new friends along the way. We can never have too many friends.
Life will Never Be Perfect: I've learned this year that no matter what I do or how I spend my life, I will never have everything that I desire and still some of the things I don't. We will also have to go without a thing or two and must learn how to accept that. I watch others as they act like they have it all, but I've learned this year that no one truly does. I've had some pretty strong desires for a few things this year and its been very hard to live with the idea that it won't happen. This has been a very good lesson for me. I must learn to find that peace within myself. That has been a bigger challenge then anything else.
I hope I continue to grown and change for the better as the year comes to an end and I'm very excited to see what the new year will bring.
Halloween 2014
10 years ago