Over the weekend we went to Legends mall for a little family time. It was fun! We were able to get a few good pics. If I don't blog again before Christmas, Merry Christmas!!
It's Christmas Time Again
Over the weekend we went to Legends mall for a little family time. It was fun! We were able to get a few good pics. If I don't blog again before Christmas, Merry Christmas!!
Posted by Brandy at 1:28 PM 0 comments
Family Fun Time
So we took a camping trip a couple weeks ago. It was quite nice! We did some hiking and fishing and the boys had a blast playing on the playground there. We even took Sammy with us and that was truly his kind of trip. The nights got chilly but at least it didn't rain. We are planning another trip at the end of October and yes, I know the nights will be even colder. Blankets! Blankets! Blankets! I'll tell ya, I sure like camping in the fall a lot better then in the summer. In the summer it is so hot and when you get in your tent at night it feels like your in an oven. I'd rather be too cold, then too hot. Anyways, we all had a blast and can't wait to go again!
Posted by Brandy at 1:51 PM 0 comments
Life is getting back to normal
Brody and I are adjusting to all this wonderful time we have together. We've been going to the park and the mall play place and the library and shopping and all kinds of fun places. We all go out and wait for the bus together in the morning and then we are both there to see Dawson home in the evening. Its the one time of day I can count on seeing them hug each other. It is so sweet. I think this new routine will work out just fine for us. I'm so fortunate to be able to stay here with him and to have the opportunity to see Dawson on the bus each morning. We are all so blessed.
Posted by Brandy at 5:41 PM 1 comments
Almost a Kindergartener
So Dawson starts school in less then 13 days! I have been very excited about it, but in the last few days I have been feeling very sad and nervous for him. I know he will ultimately be fine, but all these scenarios keep running through my head. What if he drops his lunch tray?? What if he gets lost?? What if someone picks on him?? I know that I am more worried about thease things then he is. He is VERY independent and I know that he is more then ready for this. But I can't help but think about how he has stay home with me for all of thease 5 years of his life. It's going to be a BIG change. Time has gone so fast. The next thing I know he will be brining home a girl for me to meet. Wow.
Posted by Brandy at 1:03 PM 0 comments
2 Years Ago
Brody never really was a baby. He was born big, and grew fast. He was in a size 5 diaper by the time he was 6 months old! I've had the poor kid wearing a size 6 shoe, went to Payless yesterday, and ended up buying a size 9!! I'm pretty sure he is ready to start potty training, but here is the problem, the plastic training pants don't come any bigger then 35 pounds. He's almost 40!! I can complain though, he may be big for his age, but he is also very smart for his age. Know, I know what your thinking, I'm his mom, and all moms think that. Maybe he's not that smart. But here is what amazes me....he just turned 2 on Saturday and he knows ALL the letters of the alphabet. If you draw them, he will tell you what they are. If he sees a word (like on an exit sign or a poster on the wall,) he will read the letters. He also knows square, circle, star and triangle. And he knows blue, green and yellow. To me, that is AMAZING!!!
Posted by Brandy at 1:50 PM 1 comments
Rude People: Revised
There is nothing that gets my blood boiling more then rude people!!
As a mom, I have made my number one goal to be teaching my children to be polite, use manners, think of others. To me, there is nothing more important.
It really bugs the hell out of me when my kids and I go to a parade more then an hour early, sit down and wait, and then two minutes before it starts a whole swarm of people push in front as if we were never there.
It really bugs the hell out of me when I've got a car full of kids and I'm driving down the road at the speed limit and some jerk pulls out right in front of me like I'm invisible and I have to slam on my breaks.
It really bugs the hell out of me when I'm waiting to take a photo of my son's graduation and I'm standing polietly in the back with all the other parents and that one rude mother walks up clear in front of everyone like no one is behind her. Guess she just wants the back of her head to be in everyones photos.
It really bugs the hell out of me when my kid is playing on a toy at the arcade and some other bigger kids come up and take it away and his parent watches like that is perfectly okay.
It really bugs the hell out of me when I'm selling something for 50 bucks at garage sale and some lying bastard says he only has 25 dollars, I say okay, then he hands me 30 bucks and waits for change.
I beg anyone who is reading this, please, please, please stress the importance of common curtiosy to all the children in your life. Maybe we can rid the world of rudeness one child at a time.
In Addition: It also bugs the hell out of me when a person, who doesn't even know me, makes an assumption of me, or of others for that matter. If EVERYONE goes through thease challenges, then why doesn't EVERYONE teach their children to be better people, why don't they become a better person themself? My son is almost 6 years old and he knows all about "bad words" and rude people. And NOT because I use bad words around him, but because I teach him not to be a rude person. I thank the Lord that he is a good person and I hope that will never change no matter how many people disgust him. I believe that there are a lot of good people in the world, infact, I believe that the world has much more good in it then bad. I also consider myself and optimist. I don't have too many pet peeves in life....just one big one. I am not a perfect person, but I DO know how to teach my children to be respectful of others. I believe that I do live in a good world, it's just a world that consist of a few jerks that will most likely always be that way.
Posted by Brandy at 10:06 AM 2 comments
I feel so Loved
What a great mothers day. I got cards, flowers and a couple new DVD's. I feel so lucky to have such a great husband and such wonderful boys. I'd say life is pretty good. Kinda makes me want to add another addition to the family.....the more the merrier......maybe sometime soon! :-)
Posted by Brandy at 2:24 PM 0 comments
Joys of Being a Teacher: Now and Then
About 10 or so years ago, I used to be a summer camp teacher out at Heights of Learning. I did this for about 3 or 4 years while going to college and I really loved it! I bonded with all the kids there, kinda considered them my own (at least most of them.) As part of the program we put on Shows. The kids made the sets and designed their costumes and then were the actors. It was so much fun!!! When I left I felt so sad, like I was leaving part of myself behind. I also wondered what happened to those kids and I sure missed them.
Thanks to facebook, a couple years ago, I found quite a few of them again!! It's been so neat to see how they have grown and changed. Kind of makes me feel like a proud mom! I recently discovered that a couple boys in my class, Matthew and Micahel, have created a pretty successful alternative rock band. Last night, Doug and I went to watch them. It was so good to see those boys again...can you believe they are 18 and 20 years old now!!! Wow!! Time goes so fast!!! But I was so happy to get a hug out of both of them and it feels good to know that they are doing good in life.
Matthew and Michael at 8 and 10:
Matt and Mike Today....
Matt is the Lead singer clear to the left and Mike is the bass player clear to the right.
Check out their website: http://www.myspace.com/onelifelater

Posted by Brandy at 8:25 AM 0 comments
Thank You
Its unbelievable how many Easter (and Halloween) baskets my kids have. I want to thank everyone who did NOT get them one this year. I'm putting a bunch of them in a garage sale we are having. (May 7th, 8th, 9th.) I also want to thank those who did NOT get them candy. Lord knows they get enough of that every time there is a holiday. The best thing about it is, they really don't care what they get. They are happy to have anything. Dawson's just happy that the Easter bunny comes. The first thing he did when he woke up was announce to everyone "The Easter Bunny was here!" I love it!

Posted by Brandy at 10:59 AM 1 comments
My Sister Gives Up (Kinda)
So she says she is single....again. And she is also done.

Posted by Brandy at 8:28 AM 0 comments
If A Child
If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight.
If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy.
If a child lives with shame, he learns to feel guilty.
If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient.
If a child lives with encouragement, he learns confidence.
If a child lives with praise, he learns to appreciate.
If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice.
If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith.
If a child lives with approval, he learns to like himself.
If a child lives with acceptance and friendship, He learns to find love in the world.
Amanda Cater
Posted by Brandy at 1:19 PM 0 comments
Dawson is Growing Up
I find myself feeling nervous, and scared and anxious as Dawson prepares to go off to Kindergarden. I can't believe it's time for that already! It feels like it was just yesterday when I was bringing him home from the hospital. And I've spent nearly EVERY hour of EVERY day with him since then....how am I going to handle not seeing him but for a few hours a day?! I'm sure that I'm more worried about things then he is....I know that he is more then ready for this. He has been ready for quite a while.....he is very board with things around here. As much as I would love to continue spending my days with him, I guess it is time for him to grow up a little bit. I am looking forward to haveing quality time with Brody now for a few years.
Heres a picture of Dawson when he was just a few years old. Oh where does the time go?!
Posted by Brandy at 10:23 PM 0 comments
My Sister
A few months ago my sister ended a 3 year relationship. I guess I felt a little bit sad about this because Dawson had bonded with him a little bit and he became part of our family. I kinda thought that they would end up getting married, at least I did in the beginning. I'm mostly sad because I really want to see my sister settle down with someone and enjoy the part of her life where she gets to have kids and be a wife and mother. I know towards the end of her relationship she wasn't happy. I know that she wasn't being treated that way she wanted to and the way she deserved. And I think it's too bad, this guy really had a good thing going.
My sister recently started dating a guy with 2 children. I guess when your almost 30, this is what the dating pool looks like. He's a bit older then her too, so maybe he will be more mature about things. No matter what happens, I just hope she finds a way to be truly happy with her life.
Posted by Brandy at 7:51 AM 1 comments
The Playground
Have you ever really watched a child as he explores something new? Hes so curious and very interested and it's about the cutest thing in the world. It doesn't take much to make him happy...infact, it just about makes his day.
I took Brody to a new playground today...once he got out of the van, he took off running (well, the little todder run away.) He was laughing and smiling and when he noticed something new, he hurried over to try it out. He could of spent the whole day there, he wouldn't of needed anything else. For a mother, this is about the best feeling in the world, to see your child happy. I wish everyone were that easy to please.
Posted by Brandy at 8:13 PM 0 comments
Mothers Vs. Nonmothers
The other day we were at my mom's house (my sister lives there) and Dawson had to go potty really bad. He ran upstairs to the bathroom and started to go. My sister was in the shower (with a see thru curtain) and yelled at him. "Dawson, go downstairs right now!" Later I found out that she asked my mom if I teach him to knock before entering. Yeah, this bothered me a little bit, but I have to remember that mothers and nonmothers have very different experiences. Anyone who is a mother, this would have been completley normal (if your not a mother, just ask anyone who is.) Mothers learn to lock the doors if they don't want kids comming it. And it doesn't matter if you teach your child to knock or not, if they have to go to the bathroom that is all they are thinking about.
This hasn't been the only time when her "nonmotherness" has shown. I remember her saying "When I have kids, they won't behave like that." I had to smile and keep it to myself. Anyone who is a mother will learn, that it's not always something that you can control. And when she joined us for a preschool party, on the way home she said "I don't know how you do it" And I thought, "what is it that I'm doing?" (Loading 3 kids up and taking them home.) That was nothing compared to about a millions other things I've had to do (sometimes all at once.)
I guess 6 year ago I was thinking like she is. But when you become a mother you learn a lot of things really quickly. Anyone who is not a mother will never truly understand until they become one. Even fathers don't understand what exactly mothers go through. But motherhood is about the greatest joy any woman could ever experience. I wouldn't trade it for any other job in the world!!
Posted by Brandy at 9:59 AM 0 comments
The Challenges of Being a Wife and Mom
I love being a mom and a wife, I love my boys and my husband, but some days can be very difficult. Anyone who is not a mom, will never really truly understand. Some days, like today, I just feel so depressed and worn out. I feel like I keep giving and giving and no one even notices, if they do, they don't care. I'm starting to feel like I'm losing my identity, like I'm loosing myself and my spirit. I just need some kind of boost, I'm just not sure what.
When I first became a mother of 2, I wrote out a "job description". I'm feeling that now more then ever......
A mother’s job description:
A kind and loving mother must be qualified in many areas.
-She must know how to fit 2-4 kids in a vehicle in an orderly fashion. And then keep them calm and quiet throughout the trip.
-She must be an expert in sorting through outgrow clothes and worn out shoes (every 4-6 months.)
-She must be able to cook 3 healthy, eatable, meals everyday on a very small budget.
-A qualified mother must know how to change a light bulb, plunge a toilet and fix a toy, pretty much on a weekly basis.
-She must know the difference between needing a band aid or just a kiss and should be skilled in giving medicine to a moving head.
-A kind and loving mother must be able to watch Barney (or Oswald) 15 times in a row and act excited about it.
-She must be able to feed a bottle, answer the phone, let the cat out and keep the dinner from burning all at the same time.
-She must also perform secretary work such as making and remembering the doctor, dentist and vet appointments as well as the neighbor’s birthday party and the soccer schedule.
-A kind, loving mother will promptly send out birthday, anniversary and Christmas cards to everyone she loves and cares about. (This requires knowing everyone’s address.)
-She will keep the check book balanced and never let the toilet paper rolls run out.
-She must keep her arms from flapping, her tummy from bulging and her boobs from drooping.
-A mother must be physically fit. She has exactly 20 minutes to do 2 weeks worth of grocery shopping before the baby starts crying and the kids start terrorizing the grocery store.
-She must provide a clean and organized house. (Or at least vacuum from time to time.)
-A mother may not know, but will learn: to take a shower when she can, to shut and lock the bathroom door, that the more kids she has; the more laundry she has to do and most of all, never to leave the house without sippy cups, baby wipes and gum.
-She has only a 7 hour period in when she can rest, and then, yes, she must do it all over again.
-She will receive very little praise.
-She must do all of this while smiling, looking pretty and without ever complaining.
-Deep in her heart she will know it’s all worth it.
Posted by Brandy at 9:44 AM 1 comments
I'm losing my mind!
We've now lost the 2nd window screen. I've been thinking "How are the kids going to play outback this summer with that "thing" out there." The minute you feel sorry for him and bring him in the house, he pees on your foot, or the couch or the bed or anything else. When he is out of food he will dig at the house, or he will dig at his dish or he will bang his dish against the house. When you again, feel sorry for him and go out to play with him, he mauls you over the minute you step outside. You try to pet him and he damn near bites your hand off. I know he's just a puppy and hes not trying to hurt anyone, hes just trying to play and he's just excited. But God...I'm loosing my mind! I will never again have anything but a little house dog. I hate that there is big piles of poop in the back yard. I hate that he is sooooo hyper if he comes in the house he has to be tied up on his leach. I hate that he has raised my blood pressure and my stress level. I hate feeling bad for leaving him outside when I don't want to deal with him. I hate worrying about weather on not his is going to rip the cable cords off the house next, hell, he's done everything else out there. He goes to the vet to get "fixed" on the 5th, that say that will calm him down. For the love of God, please let them be right!
Posted by Brandy at 9:02 AM 0 comments
My Future President
It's so neat to watch what Dawson picks up on. He's only 5 and yet the things he can understand just amaze me and everyone else. He's always been the kind of person who really likes to have something to look forward too, you know something that makes each day unique, but this morning when he woke up he was very excited. He said "Today ArockObama will be president!!" It was too cute!! I guess, once again, he's just been paying attention. So we talked for awhile about how the whole presdiency thing works. All this time I thought he was going to grow up to be an actor, maybe he'll be president after all!
Posted by Brandy at 9:42 AM 0 comments