About 10 or so years ago, I used to be a summer camp teacher out at Heights of Learning. I did this for about 3 or 4 years while going to college and I really loved it! I bonded with all the kids there, kinda considered them my own (at least most of them.) As part of the program we put on Shows. The kids made the sets and designed their costumes and then were the actors. It was so much fun!!! When I left I felt so sad, like I was leaving part of myself behind. I also wondered what happened to those kids and I sure missed them.
Thanks to facebook, a couple years ago, I found quite a few of them again!! It's been so neat to see how they have grown and changed. Kind of makes me feel like a proud mom! I recently discovered that a couple boys in my class, Matthew and Micahel, have created a pretty successful alternative rock band. Last night, Doug and I went to watch them. It was so good to see those boys again...can you believe they are 18 and 20 years old now!!! Wow!! Time goes so fast!!! But I was so happy to get a hug out of both of them and it feels good to know that they are doing good in life.
Matthew and Michael at 8 and 10:
Matt and Mike Today....
Matt is the Lead singer clear to the left and Mike is the bass player clear to the right.
Check out their website: http://www.myspace.com/onelifelater

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