There is nothing that gets my blood boiling more then rude people!!
As a mom, I have made my number one goal to be teaching my children to be polite, use manners, think of others. To me, there is nothing more important.
It really bugs the hell out of me when my kids and I go to a parade more then an hour early, sit down and wait, and then two minutes before it starts a whole swarm of people push in front as if we were never there.
It really bugs the hell out of me when I've got a car full of kids and I'm driving down the road at the speed limit and some jerk pulls out right in front of me like I'm invisible and I have to slam on my breaks.
It really bugs the hell out of me when I'm waiting to take a photo of my son's graduation and I'm standing polietly in the back with all the other parents and that one rude mother walks up clear in front of everyone like no one is behind her. Guess she just wants the back of her head to be in everyones photos.
It really bugs the hell out of me when my kid is playing on a toy at the arcade and some other bigger kids come up and take it away and his parent watches like that is perfectly okay.
It really bugs the hell out of me when I'm selling something for 50 bucks at garage sale and some lying bastard says he only has 25 dollars, I say okay, then he hands me 30 bucks and waits for change.
I beg anyone who is reading this, please, please, please stress the importance of common curtiosy to all the children in your life. Maybe we can rid the world of rudeness one child at a time.
In Addition: It also bugs the hell out of me when a person, who doesn't even know me, makes an assumption of me, or of others for that matter. If EVERYONE goes through thease challenges, then why doesn't EVERYONE teach their children to be better people, why don't they become a better person themself? My son is almost 6 years old and he knows all about "bad words" and rude people. And NOT because I use bad words around him, but because I teach him not to be a rude person. I thank the Lord that he is a good person and I hope that will never change no matter how many people disgust him. I believe that there are a lot of good people in the world, infact, I believe that the world has much more good in it then bad. I also consider myself and optimist. I don't have too many pet peeves in life....just one big one. I am not a perfect person, but I DO know how to teach my children to be respectful of others. I believe that I do live in a good world, it's just a world that consist of a few jerks that will most likely always be that way.
Rude People: Revised
Posted by Brandy at 10:06 AM 2 comments
I feel so Loved
What a great mothers day. I got cards, flowers and a couple new DVD's. I feel so lucky to have such a great husband and such wonderful boys. I'd say life is pretty good. Kinda makes me want to add another addition to the family.....the more the merrier......maybe sometime soon! :-)
Posted by Brandy at 2:24 PM 0 comments
Joys of Being a Teacher: Now and Then
About 10 or so years ago, I used to be a summer camp teacher out at Heights of Learning. I did this for about 3 or 4 years while going to college and I really loved it! I bonded with all the kids there, kinda considered them my own (at least most of them.) As part of the program we put on Shows. The kids made the sets and designed their costumes and then were the actors. It was so much fun!!! When I left I felt so sad, like I was leaving part of myself behind. I also wondered what happened to those kids and I sure missed them.
Thanks to facebook, a couple years ago, I found quite a few of them again!! It's been so neat to see how they have grown and changed. Kind of makes me feel like a proud mom! I recently discovered that a couple boys in my class, Matthew and Micahel, have created a pretty successful alternative rock band. Last night, Doug and I went to watch them. It was so good to see those boys again...can you believe they are 18 and 20 years old now!!! Wow!! Time goes so fast!!! But I was so happy to get a hug out of both of them and it feels good to know that they are doing good in life.
Matthew and Michael at 8 and 10:
Matt and Mike Today....
Matt is the Lead singer clear to the left and Mike is the bass player clear to the right.
Check out their website:

Posted by Brandy at 8:25 AM 0 comments